Martin’s wife once said she would leave him if he killed Arya or Sansa
Nine noble families fight for control of the lands of Westeros, and an ancient enemy returns after a millennium of slumber. George R. R.
Hollywood Top Ten: Critics' Choice Nominees: Drama (2011)
Tywin Lannister: Any man who has to say «I am king» is not a true king. During the opening credits, each actor’s name is appended with the insignia of his/her character’s house. Main Title (uncredited) Written and performed by Ramin Djawadi.
It was mesmerizing
It was a masterpiece. It was written to perfection. It was captivating.
But still, I can’t hate it enough after the last episode
It was so shocking that if anyone binge-watches this show, he/she will need to take a break to reflect and come to terms with the messy yet mind-blowing development. season. It’s like you realize you’ve been in love with the wrong person all along.
It wasn’t disappointment, it was BETRAYAL!
It was like looking at a completely different person. It was like seeing your dreams and expectations shattered.